Xbox Really Wants Call Of Duty To Stay On The Playstation Platform

In his latest attempt, Spencer revealed that Call of Duty will continue to be available to play on Sony’s consoles for “as long as there’s a PlayStation out there to ship to.” Here’s what Spencer said in a Same Brain interview, as per Eurogamer: Spencer’s latest statement echoes what he said when he revealed that he wants to bring the Call of Duty franchise to the Nintendo Switch. Spencer is right to use Minecraft as an example....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 237 words · Lisa Leinweber

You Can Now Go Fishing As The Dragonborn In Skyrim Anniversary Edition

Now, fans can play as the Dragonborn again, in all of his next-gen glory, with Skyrim Anniversary Edition. When is the Skyrim Anniversary Edition release date? True to its name, Skyrim Anniversary Edition will release on November 11, 2021. This is exactly ten years to the day since one of the most content-rich open-world action-adventure games was ever released. What’s included in the Skyrim Anniversary edition? The Skyrim Anniversary Edition will come with the Special Edition of Skyrim, a remastered version of the game which was released back in 2016....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 402 words · Tammy Shaw

Yu Gi Oh Just Unbanned An Iconic Card After 17 Years

According to the updated list of forbidden and limited cards for the trading card game, the cards, “Change of Heart” and “Yata-Garasu”, are now eligible for official games. Upon further checking, the last time that Konami allowed these cards into play was nearly two decades ago. Change of Heart, in particular, has been banned since April 2005, which is right around the same time that Yu-Gi-Oh! peaked due to the popularity of the Yu-Gi-Oh!...

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 246 words · Ann Segura

10 Returnal Tips And Tricks For Beginners

Unforgiving, ruthless, and downright brutal, death is the only thing that’s constant in Returnal. However, just like every other roguelike, your constant dying is also a crucial part of the game’s story, as your accumulated experience and knowledge play a key role in helping you delve further into the mysterious story behind Atropos. With that said, as much as death is part of the Returnal experience, too much death isn’t good for you either....

December 20, 2022 · 8 min · 1578 words · Mary Cole

5 Letter Words With K As The First Letter Wordle Game Help

kaama kabab kabar kabob kacha kades kadis kafir kagos kagus kahal kaiak kaids kaies kaifs kaika kaiks kails kaims kaing kains kakas kakis kalam kales kalif kalis kalpa kamas kames kamik kamis kamme kanae kanas kandy kaneh kanes kanga kangs kanji kants kanzu kaons kapas kaphs kapok kappa kaput karas karat karks karma karns karoo karri karst karsy karts karzy kasha kasme katas katis katti kaugh kauri kauru kaury kavas kawas kawau kawed kayak kayle kayos kazis kazoo kbars kebab kebar kebob kecks kedge kedgy keech keefs keeks keels keeno keens keeps keets keeve kefir kehua keirs kelep kelim kells kelly kelps kelpy kelts kelty kembo kembs kemps kempt kempy kenaf kench kendo kenos kente kents kepis kerbs kerel kerfs kerky kerma kerne kerns keros kerry kerve kesar kests ketas ketch ketol kevel kevil kexes keyed khadi khafs khaki khans khaph khats khaya khazi kheda kheth khets khoja khors khoum khuds kiaat kiang kibbe kibbi kibei kibes kibla kicks kicky kiddo kiddy kidel kidge kiefs kiers kieve kight kikes kikoi kiley kilim kills kilns kilos kilps kilts kilty kimbo kinas kinda kinds kindy kines kings kinin kinks kinky kinos kiore kiosk kipes kippa kipps kirby kirks kirns kirri kisan kissy kists kited kiter kites kithe kiths kitty kivas kiwis klang klaps klett klick klieg kliks klong kloof kluge klutz knack knags knaps knarl knars knaur knave knawe knead kneed kneel knees knell knelt knife knish knits knive knobs knock knoll knops knosp knots knout knowe known knows knubs knurl knurr knurs knuts koala koans koaps koban kobos koels koffs kofta kohas kohls koine kojis koker kokra kokum kolas kolos kombu konbu kondo konks kooks kooky koori kopek kophs kopje koppa korai koras korat kores korma korun korus koses kotch kotos kotow koura kraal krabs kraft krait krang krans kranz kraut kreep kreng krewe krill krona krone kroon krubi ksars kudos kudus kudzu kufis kugel kuias kukri kukus kulak kulan kulas kulfi kumys kuris kurre kurta kurus kusso kutas kutch kutis kutus kuzus kvass kvell kwela kyack kyaks kyang kyars kyats kybos kydst kyles kylie kylin kylix kyloe kynde kynds kypes kyrie kytes kythe

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 353 words · Gary Smith

5 Letter Words With L As Second Letter Wordle Game Help

If your word has L as its second letter, we have curated a list of words that fit this category. Find them below. alaap alack alamo aland alane alang alans alant alapa alaps alarm alary alate alays albas albee album alcid alcos aldea alder aldol aleck alecs alefs aleft aleph alert alews aleye alfas algae algal algas algid algin algor algum alias alibi alien alifs align alike aline alist alive aliya alkie alkos alkyd alkyl allay allee allel alley allis allod allot allow alloy allyl almah almas almeh almes almud almug alods aloed aloes aloft aloha aloin alone along aloof aloud alowe alpha altar alter altho altos alula alums alure alway blabs black blade blads blady blaer blaes blaff blags blahs blain blame blams bland blank blare blart blase blash blast blate blats blatt blaud blawn blaws blays blaze bleak blear bleat blebs bleed bleep blees blend blent blert bless blest blets bleys blimp blimy blind bling blini blink blins bliny blips bliss blist blite blitz blive bloat blobs block blocs blogs bloke blond blood bloom bloop blore blots blown blows blowy blubs blude bludy blued bluer blues bluet bluey bluff bluid blume blunk blunt blurb blurs blurt blush blype clach clack clade clads claes clags claim clame clamp clams clang clank clans claps clapt claro clart clary clash clasp class clast clats claut clave clavi claws clays clean clear cleat cleck cleek cleep clefs cleft clegs cleik clems clepe clept clerk cleve clews click clied clies cliff clift climb clime cline cling clink clint clipe clips clipt cloak cloam clock clods cloff clogs cloke clomb clomp clone clonk clons cloop cloot clops close clote cloth clots cloud clour clous clout clove clown clows cloye cloys cloze clubs cluck clued clues clump clung clunk clype elain eland elans elate elbow elchi elder eldin elect elegy elemi elfed elfin eliad elide elint elite elmen eloge elogy eloin elope elops elpee elsin elude elute elvan elver elves flabs flack flaff flags flail flair flake flaks flaky flame flamm flams flamy flank flans flaps flare flary flash flask flats flawn flaws flawy flaxy flays fleam fleas fleck fleer flees fleet flegs fleme flesh flews flexo fleys flick flics flied flier flies flimp flims fling flint flips flirs flirt flisk flite flits flitt float flock flocs floes flogs flong flood floor flops flora flors flory flosh floss flota flote flour flout flown flows flubs flued flues fluey fluff fluid fluke fluky flume flump flung flunk fluor flurr flush flute fluty fluyt flyby flyer flype flyte glace glade glads glady glaik glair glams gland glans glare glary glass glaum glaur glaze glazy gleam glean gleba glebe gleby glede gleds gleed gleek glees gleet gleis glens glent gleys glial glias glibs glide gliff glift glike glime glims glint glisk glits glitz gloam gloat globe globi globs globy glode glogg gloms gloom gloop glops glory gloss glost glout glove glows gloze glued gluer glues gluey glugs glume glums gluon glute gluts glyph ileac ileal ileum ileus iliac iliad ilial ilium iller illth klang klaps klett klick klieg kliks klong kloof kluge klutz llama llano olden older oldie oleic olein olent oleos oleum olios olive ollas ollav oller ollie ology olpae olpes plaas place plack plage plaid plain plait plane plank plans plant plaps plash plasm plast plate plats platy playa plays plaza plead pleas pleat plebe plebs plena pleon plesh plews plica plied plier plies plims pling plink ploat plods plong plonk plook plops plots plotz plouk plows ploys pluck plues pluff plugs plumb plume plump plums plumy plunk plush plyer slabs slack slade slaes slags slaid slain slake slams slane slang slank slant slaps slart slash slate slats slaty slave slaws slays sleds sleek sleep sleer sleet slept slews sleys slice slick slide slier slily slime slims slimy sling slink slipe slips slipt slish slits slive sloan slobs sloes slogs sloid slojd sloom sloop sloot slope slops slopy slorm slosh sloth slots slove slows sloyd slubb slubs slued slues sluff slugs sluit slump slums slung slunk slurb slurp slurs sluse slush sluts slyer slyly slype ulama ulans ulcer ulema ulmin ulnad ulnae ulnar ulnas ulpan ultra ulvas ulyie ulzie vleis vlies ylems ylike ylkes zlote zloty

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 700 words · Rosa Williams

5 Letter Words With T As The Fifth Letter Wordle Game Help

abaft abbot ablet abort about absit adapt adept admit adopt adult adust afoot afrit agast agent agist aglet ahent ahint alant aleft alert alist allot aloft amaut ambit ament amort amowt amrit anent angst annat apart apert aport arett argot arhat ariot armet arnut arret ascot ashet asset assot atilt audit aught avant avast avert await ayont bahut beast beaut befit begat beget begot benet bepat beret besat beset besit besot bewet bhoot bidet bight bigot binit biont blart blast blatt bleat blent blert blest blist bloat bluet blunt blurt boart boast boost boult bowat bowet bract brant brast brent britt bruit brunt brust built buist bundt buret burnt burst butut cadet cagot canst capot caput carat caret chaft chant chapt chart cheat chert chest chirt chott chout cinct civet clapt clart clast claut cleat cleft clept clift clint clipt cloot clout coact coapt coast comet compt coopt coost coset count court covet craft crept crest croft crost crout cruet crust crypt cubit culet curat curet curst daint dault daunt davit daynt dealt debit debut defat deist delft demit dempt denet depot derat devot diact dicht dicot didst dight digit divot dixit docht doest doilt donut doubt draft drant drent drest drift dript droit dropt ducat duett durst duvet dwelt earst ebbet eclat edict educt eejit egest egret eight eject elect elint emmet enact enlit epact epopt erect ergot eruct erupt escot event evert evict ewest exact exalt exeat exert exist expat exult facet fagot faint fault feast fecht fecit feint feist fient fiest fight filet first fixit fleet flint flirt flitt float flout fluyt foist fouat fouet fount fract freet freit frist fritt front frost fruit frust fumet gaitt galut gamut gault gaunt gavot geest geist gemot genet ghast ghaut ghest ghost giant gigot gilet giust gleet glent glift glint gloat glost glout godet gosht graft grant great greet grift griot gript grist groat grout grunt grypt guest guilt guyot habit hadst haint hault haunt heart heast hecht heist helot hiant hight hoast hoist horst hurst idant ident idiot immit impot inapt incut inept inert ingot inlet input inset inust inwit islet izzat jabot jaunt jigot joint joist joust jurat kaput karat karst kempt kiaat kight klett knelt knout korat kraft krait kraut kydst lacet leant leapt least legit liart licht licit light limit lirot loast lovat lunet lyart magot maist manat manet mayst mazut meant meint merit meynt micht midst might moist morat motet moult mount moust mpret muist mulct muset musit naunt neist nempt nepit nicht night noint nonet nooit obiit objet octet odist olent oncet onset oobit orant orbit oubit oucht ought overt ovist owlet paint palet peart perst petit pewit phpht picot piert pight pilot pinot pipet pipit pivot plait plant plast pleat ploat point poort posit poult poupt poynt pratt prent prest print prost prunt qanat quant quart qubit quest quiet quilt quint quirt quist quoit rabat ramet react reast rebit rebut recit recut reest refit reist relet relit remet remit repot resat reset resit revet rewet riant richt right rivet roast robot roist roost roset rosit roust royst rozet rozit rybat sabot saint saist salet sault saunt sayst scant scart scatt sceat scent scoot scout scrat scuft shaft shakt shalt sheet shent shift shirt shist shoat shoot short shott shout shunt sicht sient sight skart skatt skeet skint skirt skort slant slart sleet slept slipt sloot sluit smalt smart smelt smolt smoot smout smowt snift snirt snoot snort snout souct spait spalt spart speat spelt spent spilt spirt splat split spoot sport spout sprat sprit spurt squat squit start stent stept stilt stint stoat stoit stopt stott stout strut stunt sturt suent suint surat swapt swart sweat sweet swelt swept swift swopt tacet tacit taint tapet tarot taunt tempt tenet tewit theft thoft tight tinct toast torot tract trait trant trapt tratt treat trest trist troat trout trust tryst tuart tweet twilt twist twixt unapt uncut unfit unget ungot unhat unket unlet unlit unmet unset unwet unwit upjet uplit upset urent valet vault vaunt veldt verst visit vivat volet vomit waift waist warst wecht weest welkt wheat wheft whift whipt whist whoot whort wight wisht worst wrapt wrast wrest wrist wroot wurst yacht yeast ymolt yourt yrapt yrent ytost zakat zibet zizit zoist

December 20, 2022 · 4 min · 710 words · Lance Kaur

Activision Might Rename Warzone And Continue Updating It Once Warzone 2 Is Out

A recent report claims Activision Blizzard is changing the name of the free-to-play game to “Warzone Caldera” on November 28 as it makes way for Warzone 2. This also confirms that Activision Blizzard will not abandon the original shooter. The timely info comes just a week ahead of the Next showcase and around the same time that Activision confirmed Warzone Mobile. Warzone will be renamed to “Warzone Caldera” on November 28th....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 380 words · Patrica Mendoza

Alleged Footage Of The Mandalorian Game Revealed To Be Fan Project

The footage appeared on YouTube before making the rounds among the fandom, with many assuming right off the bat that is it leaked from an actual game - it was uploaded with a seemingly nonsensical title, and was recorded with a mobile device while running on a separate screen, giving the video a leaky “found footage” sense. Showing off a main menu, traversal, shooting mechanics, a holographic weapon selection menu and the titular Mando moving through the interior of an Imperial starship, the apparently leaked footage looked very convincing....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 325 words · Sandra Dale

Cd Projekt Red Stock Is Down Significantly Following Cyberpunk 2077 Release

A Business Insider Poland report paints an ugly picture as to how much CDP has suffered in a span of two years. fter reaching a $8.1 billion (or 40 billion Polish złoty) valuation, CDP is now just worth shy of $2.1 billion (zł10 billion). This represents a massive drop in the value of the company and much can be attributed to Cyberpunk 2077. As the same report reveals, CDP shares traded as high as zł443 before Cyberpunk 2077 launched....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 325 words · Juliann Tate

Chris Jericho Reveals A Bizarre Spider Man Concept Once Suggested By Vince Mcmahon

In a conversation where he was reminiscing about his past on his podcast, Talk is Jericho, Chris disclosed how Vince McMahon approached him and Triple H about an idea he had for their Hell in a Cell match at Judgement Day 2002, inspired by watching Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movie. In his pitch, Vince proposed that at the end of the match, the two wrestlers shoot webs onto the roof of the cage and move up there to finish the match....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 478 words · Trisha George

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Skills And Perks Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes In Cyberpunk 2077, there are a total of five different attributes that you can allocate points to and that pretty much determine the ideal playstyle for your character. After creating your character, you’ll start with all five attributes having been allocated with 3 attribute points by default, and an additional 7 that you’re allowed to allocate to your preferred attribute/attributes. The different Cyberpunk 2077 attributes are as follows:...

December 20, 2022 · 5 min · 957 words · Ruth Owens

Daredevil Born Again Adds A Trio Of New Cast Members

Marvel is slowly building out the cast for the upcoming series starring Charlie Coxx as Matt Murdock, also known as Daredevil. Vincent D’Onofrio will reprise his role as Wilson Fisk, otherwise referred to as Kingpin. It was announced a few days ago that Michael Gandolfini will be joining the cast. He is reportedly playing a key role in the series. Gandolfini played the role of Tony Soprano in the movie The Many Saints of Newark....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 399 words · Judith Holder

Deathloop Goes Gold A Month Ahead Of Its Release Date

When a studio announces that its game has gone gold, it’s a sure sign that the game will release on time. We say “sign” because there is always outliers. In the case of Arkane Studios’ Deathloop, it’s scheduled to launch on September 1, and because Deathloop has now gone gold, there is no stopping the PS5-exclusive from releasing on time. It looks like we’re finally getting our hands on Deathloop The COVID-19 pandemic affected hundreds of industries around the globe....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 351 words · George Zeff

Director Confirms Dune 2 Script Is Finished In Latest Update

Naturally, WB gave Denis the keys to the franchise, confirming that a second part is coming just days later with filming set to begin in July. After the film nearly topped the list of nominees at the 94th Academy Awards, Denis had exciting news to share about Part 2 of Dune. According to an exclusive interview with Collider, Denis, who will return as the director and co-writer for the sequel’s screenplay, has already finished and “solidified” the film’s script....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 471 words · Greg Williams

Disney Plus Partners With Fortnite To Offer Free Subscription

To benefit from this exclusive limited time offer, players must make one in-game purchase using real money or buy V-bucks in Fortnite. The offer begins on November 10, 2020, at 7 PM ET and is scheduled to last through to December 21, 2020. And here’s the best part, if you have recently purchased something in Fortnite using real money (including purchasing V-bucks), then you still have a chance to qualify for this offer, provided you made the purchase after November 6, 2020....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 256 words · Linda Cox

Dune 2 Gets Early Premiere As Warner Bros Capitalize On Blade Delay

The Hollywood Reporter claims that Warner Bros. Discovery has pushed the follow-up’s release date forward from November 17 to November 3. This is the second time the studio has changed the premiere date of Dune: Part Two in the past year. The sequel to the most-nominated Hollywood film from 2021 was supposed to come out in October. The news came on the heels of Disney’s recent delays to its upcoming projects, such as the final film for the Multiverse Saga, Avengers: Secret Wars, following the production delays suffered by Blade after losing its director....

December 20, 2022 · 1 min · 198 words · Frank Mcnamee

Dwayne The Rock Johnson Makes His Fortnite Appearance Official As Chapter 2 Ends

Earlier this year, Fortnite made waves as the Zero Crisis Finale event saw a mysterious being known simply as The Foundation sacrifice himself to seal The Zero Point. Back then, fans already knew to expect more from The Foundation. Many even believed that The Foundation was none other than The Rock, judging by their similar builds and how his armor looks similar to the Hollywood superstar’s famous tattoo. Fast forward to the end of Chapter 2 and this was all confirmed as The Foundation finally removed his helmet, showing off Dwayne Johnson’s face in virtual form....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 367 words · Marc Hyman

Dwayne The Rock Johnson Reveals His Thoughts On A Larger Wwe Role

During the actor’s visit, the conversation turned to the WWE, which used to be Johnson’s playground before he became the king of Hollywood. The interviewer, David George-Cosh, asked Johnson if he will take a larger role in the company as either a director or an investor if the ownership changes. In classic Johnson fashion, the actor did not provide any explicit answer either way. On the potential sale of the company, Johnson said, “I’ve known Vince for a very, very long time and he’s a businessman....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 562 words · Charles Carr

Fan Made Gta Online Loading Fix Going Official Rockstar Announces Title Update

We covered the impressive solution concocted by tostercx - known in the rough virtual streets of Los Santos as t0st - earlier, with a link to their own dizzyingly detailed explanation of what was wrong, how they found it and how they fixed it. The fan-made fix is also freely available to download from GitHub, despite only being a “proof of concept” and as the author describes it, unsuitable for casual use....

December 20, 2022 · 3 min · 493 words · Ruby Matheny