According to this aptly-titled threat on Reddit, a growing number of Apex Legends players are planning to boycott the game because of the upcoming Prestige Bloodhound skin. The outrage stems from the skin taking the place of Apex Legends’ heirlooms. To acquire the Prestige Bloodhound skin, players will have to buy all the other exclusive limited-edition cosmetics that Respawn will sell during its third-anniversary event. Because there could be a total of 24 cosmetics, players are looking at spending around $164 just to acquire the Prestige Bloodhound skin.

For what it’s worth, the Prestige Bloodhound skin looks amazing. The only problem is that it shouldn’t be as expensive as it is. The exorbitant price tag suggests that it is as valuable as the heirlooms from older Collection events in Apex Legends. If it’s any consolation, Respawn Entertainment hasn’t confirmed the price of the Prestige Bloodhound skin. We could all be making much ado about nothing, which isn’t entirely impossible. Or, the backlash might have forced Respawn to reconsider its initial pricing for the Prestige Bloodhound skin. Either of the two scenarios is ideal if it leads to changes to the pricing. But, if the leak is true, it will be interesting to see if the boycott will gain enough traction to force Respawn to change its mind. In other Respawn news, Electronic Arts just confirmed that the Titanfall studio is taking the lead on at least three Star Wars projects. Unfortunately, the news comes right around the same time that reports of EA axing Battlefront 3 popped up.

Players are boycotting Apex Legends over an overpriced skin - 29Players are boycotting Apex Legends over an overpriced skin - 66Players are boycotting Apex Legends over an overpriced skin - 87