After being leaked just hours before its official release date, expecting fans flocked to social media and Steam to report the horrors they faced in the game, and we mean that in a negative way. Although the studio eventually acknowledged the problems and issued a fix, fans still aren’t satisfied with the way The Callisto Protocol is performing. Specifically, The Callisto Protocol runs horribly on the PC even if you have a powerful rig. Having said that, the developers seem confident it can keep audiences engaged for the long haul. Amidst all the turmoil, we got news of the game’s post-launch roadmap and it’s ambitious, to say the least. According to the roadmap for The Callisto Protocol, it will get New Game+ and Hardcore modes on February 7. Also, if you bought the Season Pass, that’s when you’ll get the Outer Way Skin Collection. If you’re wondering about the paid death animations, those will come later in March and some time during Spring in the “Contagion Bundle” and “Riot Bundle”. Finally, the new story DLC for The Callisto Protocol won’t arrive until Summer next year. Judging from the critic and audience reviews we can find online, The Callisto Protocol fell short of the expectations it set leading up to its launch.

— The Callisto Protocol (@CallistoTheGame) December 1, 2022 Fingers crossed, the remake of its spiritual predecessor, Dead Space, won’t suffer from the same fate when it comes out on January 27.

The Callisto Protocol gets six month post launch plans amidst  broken game  complaints - 8The Callisto Protocol gets six month post launch plans amidst  broken game  complaints - 93The Callisto Protocol gets six month post launch plans amidst  broken game  complaints - 37